

At International City Property Management, we specialize in taking your existing property and turning into an income producing investment in the quickest and most efficient way possible. We understand the pitfalls and the traps that first time investors are likely to fall into – the things that only end up costing a great deal of time, money and energy. We know exactly how to work around those types of issues in order to produce the type of property you’ve always dreamed of.
We’ll begin with an extensive marketing campaign to help cast a wide net and attract the highest level of attention. We’ll also carefully screen all tenants before we even bringing you the applications, to help make sure that you only have the highest quality options to choose from. Once those tenants have moved in, we also utilize online forms for everything from rent payments to maintenance requests to help keep things moving as smoothly and as efficiently as possible. We’ll even send you regular financial statements so that you always know where your investment stands and so that you’re always aware of how high your return on investment is truly climbing.
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